Holy snow
Why is it that they are afraid to tell us how much snow we are supposed to get? They have been teasing this ‘big snow storm’ for the last three or four days, but no one wants to really tell us how much snow we are supposed to get. They can predict how much rain we are supposed to get. Why not snow? It’s like this big secret that only the special people get to know. I’m obviously not a meteorologist. Okay, they just said that we are on the line of 6-8 inches and 8-12 inches. Should be a good time. My boss said we will play it by ear, so I might be out in the -15 degree weather in 6 inches of snow trying to clear my car off in the morning to get to work. That should be a good time.
I’ll be posting this later in the week, so I should be able to give a nice update of how things unfolded. I hope the crappy weather will be done by the end of next week. I can’t take much more of this. Single digit temperatures and wind chills in the negative teens is too much.
Tuesday update: My boss told me to stay home Monday. It snowed about nine inches. The roads were barely plowed. Almost 100% snow and ice covered on my commute to work. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I almost lost control of my vehicle. I was going extremely slow and I have four-wheel drive. I do need new tires, but they aren’t in the budget at the moment, so I had to do the best that I could. This day has been hell. Seriously. The anxiety over almost wrecking my car numerous times trying to make it to work because the roads were so bad. Then I walk in the door and my boss starts in about the e-mails still being down (our domain didn’t automatically renew and our IT guy had been working on it since Friday, but there was an issue with the domain being serviced by a prior IT company and they didn’t call him back), and then the copier was broken and I had to fix it because he doesn’t do those things. The copier breaks on me and I cannot fix it. Now the copy machine guy has to come out. My boss is extremely impatient and does not know when to stop. I can only be harassed so many times about things that I cannot control. I am not an IT person or a copy machine technician. And being cold and wet doesn’t help. I had to walk through quite a bit of snow to clean off my windows despite my five trips outside in the freezing cold to shovel the snow yesterday. It has been hell. And it’s that time of the month so my hormones are out of control. I’m basically sobbing at my desk right now. My coworkers are some of the worst people I’ve ever met. I need to stop speaking to them. They love to take the things you say and make you feel like you’re an idiot or there is something wrong with you for having a bad day. I keep forgetting that nothing matters unless it is happening to them. I think the lack of fresh air is getting to me. I am not one who does well being contained in the same four walls every single day. Also, have you ever almost died numerous times trying to get to work for a job that could care less if you live or die? That’s really not the best way to start your morning. The day continued to get worse. A piece of ice or a rock hit my windshield and busted it. I now have to either get it patched or replaced completely. Just what I needed. That would be sarcasm in case you didn’t know.
Wednesday Update: This day has been much better. Thank goodness. I had a bad day, I felt the emotions and worked through it. I went to bed feeling better. I woke up and reminded myself that today was going to be much better and it has been. The most important thing to remember is that bad days will happen. Work through them and then move on. Don’t let one bad day turn into a bad week or a bad month. Don’t beat yourself up over being human and having a bad day. Let that shit go! Your mind deserves to be free from the bad that happened in the past.
The weather is supposed to be better this Saturday. As of right now, the weather channel tells me that it should be in the 30s and we should have sunshine! I am so excited! I need to be able to create new content for my blog and my Instagram, and photography is a big part of those two things. It’s hard to take nature photos when the wind chill is -15. You would be surprised how fast you lose feeling in your toes, fingers, and face. I hope that I can get my nature fix on Saturday. I’m not sure where to go. The only thing that matters is being outside.